Business Development Culture

Employee Spotlight: Christopher Breitbach

Christopher Breitbach, a U.S. Army Veteran, has been a dedicated supporter of the Blue Force Tracking AVN (BFT-A) for more than two decades. While he may not have been a part of COLSA for the entire duration of his career, he has consistently backed the BFT-A since his inception into the Family of Professionals. Drawing upon his extensive background in Army aviation, he transitioned into a civilian role at COLSA, serving as a BFT-A systems analyst and taking on responsibilities as a project lead.

While supporting this contract, Christopher has had the opportunity to experience many different roles and challenges. He stated that his biggest challenge has been, “working in a position that in most cases would be a government position. But I have found, being polite and courteous go a long way.” Though he has faced obstacles, he has also had the opportunity to learn new skills that he never had the chance to before, such as “program management, cost, schedule, and performance.” Though his career has been filled with opportunities to learn new skills such as the ones stated above, he told us that “getting experience and education” has helped him the most.

When inquired about his work-life balance, Christopher acknowledged that there are occasions when work responsibilities encroach upon his personal life. However, he emphasized the invaluable support of his understanding wife, which has significantly contributed to his career equilibrium. To unwind and detach from his professional duties, Christopher finds solace in working on cars and taking on projects for his wife.