
Life of a YoPro – Trisha Larkin

Q: What do you do for COLSA?   

A: I am a part of the recruitment department, specifically doing recruitment for the Cyber and Information Warfare department. I had experience in sales, marketing, and public relations, but I wanted to get into human resources. I found that being in recruiting was a lot like HR. I like talking to people and getting to know them, and that’s what recruiting is.   

Q: How did you find COLSA?   

A: I moved back to Huntsville in 2018 and have always wanted to work in the defense industry. Of all the companies I interviewed, I felt the most comfortable with COLSA. I liked the background and the vision the company has.   

Q: How has your education set you up for work at COLSA?   

A: I think that my background in public relations has helped me. In PR, you must be well-spoken and know how to write well. These skills I learned have translated to my work at COLSA in recruiting since I have to convey my message to candidates concisely. Also, working in a high-speed and pressure-filled environment has helped me greatly. In both PR and recruiting, there are many tight deadlines that you have to meet.   

Q: How has COLSA fostered growth in your development as a young professional?   

A: I have only worked for COLSA since July. But when I stepped into the building, everyone was so welcoming. I knew nothing about the defense industry when I came in, but after extensive and detailed training, I feel like I know who I’m working for and what industry I’m in now. If I ever have questions about what I need to do or about COLSA, I know I can ask anyone above me.   

Q: How do you manage your work-life balance?   

A: At COLSA, we have a hybrid schedule and can choose when we come into the office and when we want to work at home. I prefer to work in the office as it lets me keep my work life and personal life separate. I’ve learned to set boundaries and get the most important stuff done in the office so I don’t go home and worry.   

Q: What is your advice to new professionals coming into the workforce?   

A: You should expect to start from the bottom and work your way up. There are many good things about growth, even if it’s painful and you feel like you’re making many mistakes. And don’t be afraid to do something that isn’t in your major. I majored in PR, but now I’m in human resources and recruiting. Never be afraid to ask questions, as well. It’s better to ask a question and do the job correctly than take a guess and do it incorrectly.